We are the first and only full time Islamic School proudly serving the Columbia/Richmond county area in the state of Georgia. We are a K-5 accredited school that provides excellent Education in an Islamic environment. We plan to grow in the following years inshaaALLAH to be full time Pre k – 12 fully accredited school. We strive to fulfill the dire need for safe, excellent secular and Islamic education for our community.

Our mission is: “Raising the next generation American Muslim leaders through excellent education and outstanding character building to better serve their country and humanity.”

Why Do We Need Islamic School?

  • Islamic Practice in an Islamic Environment
  • Relieve our students from the conflict between home and public school values
  • Open the door to our students to achieve extracurricular activities without jeopardizing their Islamic values and education and relieve them from extra-efforts spent in Islamic education after school hours or during the weekend. This time can be used to archive significant extracurricular activities/programs.
  • No conflicts between being American and being a Muslim
  • It’s very important for Muslim kids to be able to go to a school in which they are taught by Muslim and non-Muslim teachers, yet affirm who they are and allow the creative space to be comfortable being Muslim

Why choose Augusta Science Academy?

  • Academic Curriculum based on the Georgia Standards of Excellence.
  • Low student: teacher ratio.
  • Quran, and Islamic Studies everyday!
  • Arabic class everyday!
  • Students are in an environment conducive to learning while upholding Islamic values.
  • Dedicated and caring teachers and staff.
  • Less peer pressure stemming from differences in moral environment.
  • Students Islamic identity will flourish and their self esteem with grow.

Dr. Kamron’s unsolicited response about the importance of supporting Islamic schools now more than ever.